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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    Mortal Glory Fresh Blood DLC Sneak peek #4: New game mode

    Mortal Glory Fresh Blood DLC Sneak peek #4: New game mode

    Fresh Blood DLC Sneak peek #4: New game mode

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    It's time for the final DLC sneak peek, just a few days before the release on 14.9! This time we'll take a look at the new game mode coming with the DLC: Career mode.

    Like in normal mode, your objective in Career mode is to climb through five tournament ranks and finally win the championship match in order to immortalize your team as the new champions. But unlike normal mode, in Career mode each tournament rank consists of 5 normal matches and 3 qualifier matches. In order to progress to the next rank, you will need to win at least 2 qualifier matches. If you win all 3 qualifiers, you get a special bonus reward from your next match.

    Also, unlike in normal mode, the only penalty from losing a match is not getting the bonuses from winning. You can't lose the game by losing matches.

    Wait, you can't lose? What's up with that?

    Well, the one exception to that is that you will need to pay wages to your gladiators for fighting and if you can't do that, you are forced to forfeit your run. So gold management is much more important in Career mode than normal mode. Will you use all your gold on expensive equipment for your star gladiator and rely on winning the next match or play it safe with a team of budget fighters?

    In Career mode you also get to choose your opponents in normal matches. Each option comes with a different enemy team, different rewards and a different set of match rules. Match rules can include familiar Emperor demands & desires or new special effects like for example 100% crit chance for everyone or randomized spawn locations. You can choose your opponents blindly, but often it pays to gather some intel and choose carefully. At this point you can also do some pre-match sabotaging if you are into that sort of tactics...

    The Career mode comes with 10+ additional unlockable difficulty levels that guarantee you won't run out of new challenges to face!

    That's it for this week's sneak peek! With just a few days remaining, I hope you are as excited about the DLC as I am!

    You can wishlist the DLC here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1324470/Mortal_Glory__Fresh_Blood_DLC

    I will be handing out 5 free copies of the DLC to random lucky winners from the Redbeak Games mailing list. If you want to get the chance for a free copy and receive occasional updates, you can join the mailing list here: https://redbeakgames.com/MailingList/. I will pick and inform the winners immediately after the release.

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